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Context and WorldFish Participation:

Nigeria will have to overcome some existing hurdles to optimize its current aquaculture industry to meet the growing demand and fully capitalize on its investment potential. Investment is needed at all points of the aquaculture value chain, and a complete assessment and evaluation of individual investment opportunities, particularly from a private sector perspective, is not known or available. Nigeria’s aquaculture sector offers investors clear paths to positive returns and strategic interventions to help set an accelerated trajectory for this Nigerian commercial sector.

Venue :Conference Centre ,IITA Ibadan

Date:7th and 8th May 2024

With the above backdrop, WorldFish will held a Nigeria Aquaculture Dialogue on a future vision towards expanding and improving businesses and the resources needed. This Dialogue will set the platform to “Pitch Your Business Concept,” bringing together key public and private sectors, commercial aquaculture entrepreneurs, and operators along the value chain to share knowledge from their business experience and drive future investments in Nigeria.

Welcome address by the Director General of Worldfish Dr.Essam Mohammad and also welcome address by Dr Sunil Siriwardenaa(Officer in Charge ,Worldfish Nigeria Office.

The opening session commenced with the topic :Five Year of Worldfish engagement in Nigeria ,a reflection by Dr Rohan Subasinghe .

Norwegian Ambassador was also present with a keynote address . Federal Department of Fisheries and the Secretary to the state Government of Oyo State presented her opening speech.

TADAN was represented at the event with the pitch theme: TILAPIA AQUAPARK FOR SMALL HOLDER FARMERS IN THE EPE LAGOS LAGOON.

Developing an Eco-system consisting of the key components of Tilapia Fingerlings Supply, Cage culture on the lagoon and Feed inputs for Scaled production of Tilapia Fish.

Participants from across the country and includes MYRA farms,Northern fish farmers association,Springs Continental Harvest,SEJFARMS LTD ,CAFFAN,TADAN,FAO,IDIPR and investment agency such as NIRSAL,WEMA Bank,IDH,Worldbank,USAID and Bell and Mellida Gate Foundation.

Also presented work from KALOKA Ng,Good Seeds Solution,Oyo,Premium Aquaculture Limited ,Aller Aqua Nigeria ,AWFISHNET,EJAICE LTD,Atlantic Shrimper and others .

The workshop was moderated by Prof. Festus Adeosun .

a presentation by Nurudeen
Nurudeen Tiamiyu Presentation on TILAPIA AQUAPARK IN EPE LAGOS LAGOON

TADAN participates in Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway Project (AABS) inception Workshop

The Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway Project (AABS) is supported through the UK’s Climate and Ocean
Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) program under the umbrella of the Blue Planet Fund (BFP).

It focuses on enabling communities to adapt to and mitigate against climate change as well as responsibly and sustainably manage marine and coastal nature and resources, resulting in improved food and nutritional security as well as employment and income opportunities.

The objective of the workshop is to collectively understand the complexities within the Nigerian coastal
aquaculture systems and the dynamic environment in which they are embedded.

In addition, the workshop aims to explore the potential socio-ecological impact of scaling coastal integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems in Nigeria.

The results of the workshops will be used to develop a theory of change that informs project monitoring, evaluation, learning, and subsequent systemic-wide impact assessment for the AABS project.
Similar workshops will also be conducted with the other stakeholders in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Bangladesh, where the AABS project operates.

The association appreciates the timing of the programme and involment of stakeholders from different strata and specialization for the workshop. Looking forward to development and impacts of integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems in Nigeria aquaculture industry.

According to a release on Worldfish website on the project.

The BlueTech Superhighway is framed around four synergistic work packages that assess, adapt, and scale evidence-based methods across different contexts in Africa and Asia. 

  1. Bridging data gaps in small-scale aquatic food system
  2. Integrated seawater farming for Africa
  3. Tackling aquatic food loss and waste
  4. Incentive-based coastal fisheries management

The South-South collaboration on the above work packages is underpinned by a country-to-country knowledge exchange platform—a forum to convene stakeholders from across the target countries, share challenges and solutions, and to learn from each other in an interactive, participatory approach. The exchange amongst countries will provide stakeholders access to practical ‘how-to’ knowledge of implementing technologies, offering a unique space to connect with peers in other countries, co-create actionable knowledge products, and spawn new ideas and innovations in a country-led environment, which can transcend beyond the program scope for greater cross-cutting returns.

Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway is a program under UK’s Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) program of the Blue Planet Fund. The program will contribute directly to COAST’s priority outcomes and impact.

Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway’s theory of change targets impact along six Sustainable Development Goals and contributions to the targets set within the Paris Agreement and African Union’s priorities on food systems transformation.

TADAN participates in Workshop on Diversification of Farming systems and species in Nigeria Aquaculture

The Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association participates in the ongoing workshop on the Diversification of Farming systems and species in Nigeria’s Aquaculture. The program is organised by Fish Innovation LAB and WorldFish in collaboration with other relevant national and international Fisheries Organisations between 31st October to 2nd November at IITA in Ibadan. 

The President of the Association Mr Remi Ahmed is expected to present a paper on the topic Diversification of Farming systems and species in Nigeria Aquaculture TADAN Perspectives.

The event has several speakers lineup for the programs which include stakeholders within the aquaculture industry in Nigeria and beyond. I will keep you posted as the events unfold.


Adedeji F.A

National Secretary


Application for scholarship for online Aquaculture course now open

Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria TADAN

          Lagos, Nigeria

Dear Sir/Madam,

Attached is a brief description about the online training course ‘Aquaculture smallholder business development’ that will be held next year February-April. The course will be organized by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation WCDI. Application for fellowships for this course is now open and can be submitted until October 11, 2022. Nigeria is in the list of countries eligible for OKP scholarships. Based on feedback of Nigeria participants in earlier versions of this course I believe that this course is relevant for many members of TADAN. I kindly ask you to make the attached information available to TADAN membership and to institutes and individuals involved in aquaculture in Nigeria. I thank you in advance.

Kind regards, 

Peter G.M. van der Heijden 
Aquaculture course coordinator

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), Wageningen University & Research

P.O. Box 88,  6700 AB Wageningen, The Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0)317 481394 (direct), +31 (0)317 486800 (reception)

Fax +31 (0)317 486801

Skype: peter.g.m.van.der.heijden


Web site:

Aquaculture Smallholder Business Development


🐟 💦 The production of fish and other aquatic animals from capture fisheries is not enough to supply the growing global demand for seafood. Aquaculture production has grown steadily in the past decades in response to this demand. Aquaculture now supplies half of the fish and seafood consumed by people. Small producers do play an important role in the supply of fish especially on local level, but individual small producers face many challenges.

✅The Global aquaculture situation

✅Position of small-scale aquaculture producers

✅Producing quality fish and other aquatic products in a responsible way

✅Relations with public and private actors that have a direct or indirect stake in aquaculture sector development;

✅Challenges for the management and performance of aquaculture producer organizations;
✅ Development of aquaculture small producer-inclusive programs.

💰🍊 If you want to apply for a scholarship for this online course from the Orange Knowledge Programme or the MENA Scholarship Programme from @NufficGlobalDevelopment, make sure to finish your application before 11 October. Do not postpone your scholarship application to the last week because obtaining all the documents required may take a week or two.

Persons who are interested to participate in this course should:

  • Be able to communicate (read, speak and write) in English language;
  • Have an education at BSc level in a subject relevant for aquaculture and fisheries development’
  • Have 3 or more years of working experience in the field of aquaculture.

More information & registration 👉🏻     and    How to apply – WUR

Countries eligible for the OKP program: 

Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Colombia, Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen and Zambia.

Countries eligible for the MENA (also called MSP) program:

Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia



This is to bring to the notice of general public the formation of the Plateau State Chapter of the Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria . The following Distinguished individuals hereby represent and coordinates the activities of Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Asssociation Nigeria in Plateau State Nigeria.


1. Professor Keziah Vou  Absalom  (Mfs 680)- Chairman

2. Mr. Albert Tokat – Vice Chairman (Mfs289)

3. Mr. Irimiya Gatba Garba -Secretary (08030752994)

4. Mr. Samson Akawu – Assistant Secretary

5. Mr. Daweng Moses Pam – Financial Secretary

6. Professor Pandan Yamsat- Treasurer


7. Professor John Wokton Wade (Ffs 052)

8. Dr. Mrs Julie Anpe (Ffs 330)

9. Dr. Mrs. Sarah Musa

10. Mr. Bulus Gofwen 

11. Gotom Newman 

12. Joel Man’s

13. Saylvester Irimiya

14. Nankpan Dashe

15. Samson Mafuyai

16.Mrs. Phoebe Rabo  

17.Mr. Danung  Bitrus Monday

18.Mr. Daniel Binjin

19. Dr. Daniel Kakwi

20. Mr. Adefemi Odueko

21.Mr. Nentawe Wophill

22.Mr. Chomo Peter Gyang

23. Mr. Nanklind Samuel

24.Mr. Jol Augustine

25.Mr. Ishaku Samchi

26. Mr. Garba Bisat

27. Lt Col. Nuhu Richard Gyang

28. Mr. Nathaniel Ardel

29. Mrs. Matawal Rachael

30. Mr. T.M. Wuyep

Membership of the association is in agreement with aims and objectives of the association as contained in the constitution of the association . We look forward to contributions of members to the overall development of Tilapia Aquaculture in Nigeria and beyond.

Thanks for your cooperation and support

Press Release: WorldFish signs agreement with Premium Aquaculture Limited to transfer GIFT to Nigeria

Press Release: WorldFish signs agreement with Premium Aquaculture Limited to transfer GIFT to Nigeria


The transfer of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) fry will kickstart a new domestic industry in Nigeria for tilapia farming leading to improved livelihoods as well as food and nutrition security among the Nigerian population.

ALEXANDRIA, March 26, 2022 – WorldFish announced today an inclusive legal agreement with Premium Aquaculture Limited for the transfer of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) to Nigeria. This agreement will augur the establishment of a GIFT-based aquaculture industry in Nigeria. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are collaborating with WorldFish and PAL on this endeavor with the aim of having WorldFish/PAL GIFT tilapia in Nigerian fish markets by late 2023.  

Elaborating on the agreement, WorldFish Project Leader for the Bill and Melinda Gates Project Dr. Colin Shelley said:

“This agreement reflects WorldFish’s ambitions for future growth and investment in the African continent and its confidence to impact at scale to support small-scale aquaculture producers charter their pathway out of poverty.”

Tilapia is one of the most important groups of aquaculture species in the world. In 2018, of the 82.1 million metric tons of aquaculture food-fish production, 5.5 million metric tons came from tilapia — 81 percent of which was Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus).

The main bottleneck to expanding tilapia aquaculture and production – including through smallholder-based farming – is the lack of a systematically managed and maintained breeding population to produce high-quality seed in required quantities that are accessible to farmers year-round.

On the importance of fish to Nigeria, WorldFish Project Advisor Dr.RohanaSubasinghe said:

“Fish is critically important to Nigeria for food and nutritional security, foreign exchange, employment and livelihoods. Yet, a steep change in supplies and distribution is necessary over the next 20 years to realize its full potential.”

Recognizing the importance of using an improved variety of tilapia to support the necessary growth of the tilapia sector, the Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria recently made an official request to WorldFish to transfer GIFT – a Nile tilapia variety genetically improved through decades of selective breeding by WorldFish – from Malaysia to Nigeria and to assist in creating a GIFT seed industry in the country.

WorldFish’s GIFT has been distributed to many developing nations. Several studies have identified socio-economic benefits arising from farming GIFT, including improved rural income and employment. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the economic internal rate of return on investments in GIFT development and dissemination was more than 70 percent over a period from 1988 to 2010, with an estimated net present value of $368 million in constant 2001 prices. It has been estimated that nearly 50 percent of global Nile tilapia aquaculture production is now GIFT and GIFT-derived. About 75 percent of tilapia consumed in developing countries appear to be GIFT, confirming that the strain has the greatest potential for alleviating global poverty and hunger and improving nutrition.

In general, tilapia is a food commodity with a low-carbon footprint in terms of greenhouse gas emissions that can improve the resilience of both small-scale farms and the overall food system. WorldFish believes that transferring GIFT will kickstart a new domestic industry in Nigeria for tilapia farming. It would increase smallholder income and employment, deliver significant quantities of new fish products to narrow the fish supply-demand gap and lead to better nutrition and health among the Nigerian population. Small-scale producer GIFT farming would create an industry that will increase the availability of a low-carbon food commodity in the Nigerian markets.

On the purpose of the research and development (R&D) program, WorldFish Nigeria Country Manager Dr. Sunil Siriwardena explained:

“In partnership with BMGF and USAID, WorldFish is investing in an R&D program that will provide the foundation for establishing a sustainable private sector-based GIFT seed and grow-out industry in Nigeria. This program is designed to (a) prepare and bio-securely transfer GIFT from Malaysia to Nigeria, (b) establish a GIFT breeding population for disease-free broodstock/seed dissemination and (c) establish a healthy GIFT seed industry/business and GIFT-seed-based smallholder out-grower business/industry in Nigeria.”

GIFT fry will be transferred from WorldFish Headquarters in Malaysia to Premium Aquaculture Limited’s, secured quarantine facility in Nigeria’s Ogun State under a robust environmental risk management program and strategy. Premium Aquaculture, a subsidiary of Stallion Group, is the largest tilapia producer in Nigeria. In collaboration with PAL and the Government of Nigeria, WorldFish has completed a full-scale GIFT transfer risk assessment and the fry transfer will take place in May 2022.

On the impact of the collaboration between PAL and WorldFish, Premium Aquaculture Limited Senior Manager Mr, Govinda Raju says:

“This technical collaboration is poised to propagate and disseminate WorldFish’s 17th generation fast-growing strain of GIFT tilapia in Nigeria. We are highly confident that it will boost tilapia production in the country as well as farmers’ income.”

The agreement also involves the establishment of a parental broodstock as well as to breed, propagate and disseminate fry and fingerling across Nigeria. Regular health checks will be conducted during the growth of the fry. Second-generation progeny resulting from the original stock from Malaysia will be transferred to other states for breeding and grow-out in both ponds and cage systems in Nigeria. As Nile tilapia is a native species in Nigeria, the freshwater habitats of Nigeria are suitable for growth and propagation.

This is the first private sector partnership between WorldFish and a hatchery operator. It reflects WorldFish’s intention to commercialize its genetic assets, work toward financially sustainable operations and reduce its dependency on donor funding for its genetic R&D.

The fish to be transferred will be generation 17 from WorldFish’s genetics program and represent the fastest-growing fish yet

Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association of Nigeria inaugurates Anambra state Chapter

inauguration of Anambra State Chapter oF Tilapia Aquaculture Association

The Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association of Nigeria TADAN),  n Monday, August 10, 2020, inaugurated a six-man executive committee as interim officials to pilot the affairs of the association at this early stage. They are to create a clear objective and catalyze the growth of improved Tilapia production in Anambra state.


This took place at the Anambra State Fisheries and Aquaculture Business Development Agency (FABDA) Boardroom, Government House Awka.



The stakeholders unanimously elected the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Anambra State Fisheries and Aquaculture Business Development Agency *(FABDA), Mr. Emeka Iloghalu (founder of the TeeMartins Aquaculture Group) as the interim Chairman and Mr. Gabriel Muoneke of Eze Azu farms Nteje as vice chairman.


Others are:

Anthony Odili of Chinyere Agro Industrial Farms Ltd, General Secretary, Innocent Okeke, Publicity Secretary, Anochie Chigozie of Gozanbee Farms Umunachi, Financial Secretary and Onwuazombe Somadina of Aqua Heritage Farms who emerged as the Welfare Officer.



Inaugurating the officials, the National President of TADAN, Dr. Remi Ahmed, represented by the Association’s vice president, Mr. Nurudeen Tiamiyu charged the excos to focus on advancing objective and visible growth of Tilapia Aquaculture in Anambra state.


He noted that TADAN is positioned to develop and grow Tilapia Aquaculture in the country and beyond and sustain it.


“Our direction”, according to him, “is to put Nigeria Tilapia production on the global map and today, Anambra state has joined the list of about ten already inaugurated TADAN chapters in Nigeria.

“The idea behind what we are doing is to teach our (Tilapia Fish) producers what they need to know through training at both local and international levels” he said.

On his part, the Chief of Staff to the Governor of Anambra state, Mr Primius Odili while congratulating the new officers said the state government is more interested in agriculture, especially fish farming.

The Chief of Staff at the inauguration of Anambra State Chapter of TADAN

Odili who pointed out that earlier before now, he was a bit skeptical about rearing Tilapia, said that the state is willing to compete favourably with the world in the production of Tilapia and other fish species. “Our people have neglected fish farming for so long a time but I’m optimistic that the state can key in properly with the modern technology in Tilapia production.

“Farming is for everybody and we should embrace it and that is why we encourage people to start something no matter how small. This is the main reason government recently launched what it called Ugbo Azuno which aims at providing alternative means of livelihood especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are launching operation feed Anambra to help salvage the situation”.

The Chief of staff who was appointed patron of TADAN Anambra state chapter said he is not unaware of some challenges confronting farmers globally but enjoined TADAN members in the state to form cooperatives for easy accessibility of funds and promised to make arrangement for off takers once the farmers can guarantee consistency, growth and sustainability.

The new chairman, Mr. Emeka Iloghalu in his acceptance speech, said the officials will do their best to represent TADAN very well in the state and as well grow the GDP of Tilapia FIsh in Anambra state and beyond.

Iloghalu in his earlier presentation disclosed that FABDA was created to grow the economy of the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector in the state for food and for wealth creation in the state.

He noted that the vision of the Governor in creating the Agency is to be the most visible and largest fish producing state in West Africa, adding that the state is determined to use the special technology to grow Tilapia and other fish species in the state.

Saving Nigeria’s dwindling tilapia fisheries sector

Nigeria’s tilapia fish industry is facing some challenges, a scenario that makes it fail to register meaningful and sustainable growth. Stakeholders suggest ways to save the industry, DANIELESSIET reports.

Nigeria has always been a major consumer of fish, and demand for fisheries products has increased in recent years due to health-consciousness of the citizens. With the population expected to exceed 250 million in 2050, demand is likely to increase even more. However, fisheries resources are limited. Even now, many fish are already on the brink of extinction due to overfishing. For this reason, the production of fisheries products through aqua farming has become important to the challenge of securing food resources. One area that offers prospect is tilapia fish farming.Globally, large-scale commercial tilapia farming operations are profitable and international companies are investing in both local and foreign species.
While countries such as Egypt have continued to record successes in tilapia farming, Nigeria’s ailing tilapia fish sector has continued to register drastic falls in production.
Experts said despite government policies to boost tilapia production smugglingfrom from China and other constraints have made it impossible to realise the dream.
With increase in population and pressure on the nation’s fisheries resources, experts say the sector may be doomed unless certain actions are taken to stimulate increased production.
Addressing a Food and Agriculture Writers Association of Nigeria (FAWON) forum in Lagos, the stakeholders noted that the Nigerian tilapia industry would have expanded rapidly in the past few years, if serious efforts were made to change from a small-scale concern to a large one capable of feeding the entire population .
One of them was the National President, Tilapia and Aquaculture Developers Association of Nigeria (TADAN) Mr. Remi Ahmed.
Addressing the forum where the speakers focused on the current and future challenges and opportunities facing the industry, Ahmed said tilapia provides a nutritious and inexpensive protein, which plays a key role in alleviating nutrient deficiency.
But over the past few years, competition from tilapia smuggled from China into the country has intensified.
Despite higher production costs stemming from harsh operating conditions, he said cheap imports from Asia are making investment not worthwhile.
He said the Nigerian Tilapia farming model was currently being appreciated globally and this would mean unregulated importation of the commodity to retard local production. “This is coming when the international community is happy with the level of work done in Nigeria’s tilapia sub-sector. Within the short period tilapia was introduced to Nigeria, we have been able to develop and produce Tilapia feed that is better than the ones used in most African countries. Let government stop importation of Tilapia into the country because afterwards, the smuggled Tilapia will not allow local producers to get ready-made markets. Restriction of Tilapia importation is not even enough, we want an outright ban because we are producing a lot and we can meet the Tilapia deficit if given the right playing field, ” Ahmed said.
He said importers of the commodity are enjoying grants and other incentives from their countries which is why when the fish is brought here, it is very cheap.
He said cost of power and others are serious challenges, so this is not encouraging.
Ahmed canvassed ban on imported tilapia to protect local aquaculture producers. Although Customs often seize fish and poultry products that are smuggled into Nigeria, the wide availability of imported products show that their efforts are not working.
The fish farmers would like the government to close down those outlets that sell black market fish and argue that foreign tilapia is only so cheap because the smugglers do not pay taxes on them.
He said substantial amounts of foreign tilapia are available on the market, in spite of the ban on imports, which was intended to protect the local industry
He said the potential exists to increase tilapia production significantly. However, for this to be achieved, the local production system needs to be improved and greater emphasis placed on establishing best-practices. Such a move would help to bring greater market credibility, improve margins, and ensure that a more consistent quality product is available.
Global Technical Head-Fish – Triton Group, Edna Dionisio said the most effective way to support advancement of the sector is to provide a consistent supply of high-quality fish feed products, along with technical support to the industry.
She noted that ensuring Nigeria-raised tilapia meet the highest quality standards will not only open the door for local farmers but that the products will command much better prices. According to her, feeding accounts for 70 to 80 per cent of the total cost of aquaculture. Moreover, it is often done by unskilled workers, which in many cases, leads to overfeeding or uneven distribution. This means that larger, more aggressive fish tend to get most of the food while the rest go hungry.
She said feeding makes the business less profitable, uncontrollable — because the biggest cost is just spread on the water.
In order to improve the sustainability of tilapia production, she observed that it’s essential to improve feed efficiency – the ratio between the feed given to the fish and their weight gain.
Many of the small fish farmers, she noted, have no prior professional training. She said farmers must track weather conditions and water temperature, which affect fish health. And the farmers must keep records of the feed and the medicine they use.
Edna Dionisio said her dream is to solve the problem, by making feeding more efficient and controllable.
She said tilapia farming could be a more viable option in addressing household protein deficiencies and economic security if attempts were made to improve production of fish feeds and fingerlings.
She said empowering small-scale farmers to run productive and profitable farms is vital if the nation is to feed the future in a sustainable way.
She said there was need to speed up research and implementation of new innovations and technologies such as genetic improvement of local species and formulation of low cost improved fish feed.
She said her organisation is at the forefront of commercial tilapia research, with University of Ibadan and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), dedicating resources to progress tilapia feed, nutrition and technology research and development.
Together with the local industry association, she said her organisation is sponsoring training and offering incentives to a few model farms that invest in improvements. The idea is that others will follow suit if they see it makes financial sense.
She said the industry facesthe challenge of approved and certified hatcheries to supply fingerlings and brood stock to farmers.
She said Triton Group is ready to help local small-scale farmers increase their livelihoods and income by sustainably producing tilapia.
Vice-President, TADAN, Mr. Nurudeen Tiamiu, said fish was an important source of protein. For this reason, the production of fisheries products through aqua farming has become important to the challenge of securing food resources.
He observed that there are some obstacles that must be overcome in order to obtain a stable supply of fisheries products using aqua farming.
For example, there is the problem of the need to obtain feed. Tiamiu said that the government should collaborate with real stakeholders in the sector to fashion out a roadmap to develop farmed fish in the country.
He noted that tilapia farming has emerged as a significant component of global fish supplies.
Tiamiu said that the aquaculture sector had been besieged by people who were not known fish farmers, making and taking decisions on behalf of the real time producers.
Tiamiu said: “I see no reason why the Ministry of Finance is making policies on fish import, while the Ministry of Agriculture is not doing anything for stakeholders. We have a bunch of stakeholders, you have not met with them and have not seen their capabilities in production and that means the Nigerian government do not understand the issues to be addressed when it comes to food safety. We do not even know the quantity of Tilapia needed for consumption, we only know that we have 15 million metric tonnes of fish deficit. Let government meet with stakeholders and fashion out a roadmap to develop farmed fish and farmed fish is the only way aquaculture can survive in Nigeria.”

Tilapia Hatchery Kits Distribution by WorldFish in collaboration with TADAN ,14 State ADPs and Farmers across Nigeria

The Aquaculture compact of the Technologies for African Agriculture Transformation (TAAT) project is led by partners in focal (DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia) and satellite (Burundi, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Republic of Benin and Tanzania) countries.

These partners comprise Private sector, Fish farmers’ Associations, Research institutions, Government institutions and Non- Governmental organizations (NGO) which aim to disseminate proven Aquaculture technologies deployed by WorldFish.

The technologies disseminated to Aquaculture value chain actors include: Fast growing fingerlings of catfish and tilapia, mono-sex tilapia, quality low cost fish feed formulated using locally available raw materials, post-harvest techniques and improved rearing system. The technologies dissemination is accompanied with Better Management Practices such as fish handling, biosecurity, water quality management, raw materials selection, feeding techniques amongst several others.

The program has commenced in Nigeria with Tilapia hatchery Kits distributions across the country after trained the trainers workshop anchored by the Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria. The distribution of the hatchery kits to selected farms across the  14 selected state was done through the State Directors of the Agricultural Development Programm office, who handles the distribution to all the farmers involved.

This is a collaboration between the World Fish office and Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria with the assistance of the Agricultural Development programs in fourteen State in Nigeria.

The distribution and collection of Tilapia Hatchery Kits are presented in pictures as reported by ADP directors and beneficiaries.

Mr. Adedeji F.A(National Secretary of the Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria) collects Tilapia Hatchery Kits From Mr. Femi Kudoro, Ogun State ADP director at state ADP office Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria ADP office Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Adeola Fisheries, taking delivery of their Monosex Tilapia Demonstration materials at Ikoto, Ijebu Ode. this morning. The farm owner, Hon Mabinuori is beside TAAT Aquaculture Facilitator, while the farm hands showed enthusiasm. GOOD MORNING All.

PISCADED FISHERIES LIMITED  received her monosex tilapia training kits and materials today. Thanks to Mr Kuduro for bringing those materials all the way to the farm.


With me here by Ur right is Dr. E.S Gana the head of fishery unit faculty of the Agriculture University of Abuja, by the middle is Mr. Samson FCT ADP(the facilitator) and Sulayman Rabiu the FCT Tilapia farmer in University Of Abuja campus.

Delivery of monosex culture of Tilapia demonstration materials from Technology for African Agriculture Transformation (TAAT) to the Lagos state ADA today. From the right is Engr. Travih (HoSC Farm mechanisation), Dr. Pereira-Sheteolu (The Programme Manager), Miss Olajumoke Ola (Director of Technical Services) and Dr. Opadokun ( HoSc Fisheries)

Mr Mactelli Confidence Collects Tilapia Hatchery Kits

Mr Mac Confidence installing  the Tilapia Hatchery Kits at his farm in Yenogoa, Bayelsa State.









Mr Nurudeen Tiamiyu (Vice President Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association Nigeria) received his Tilapia Hatchery Kit from Dr Opadokun (HoSc Fisheries Lagos State Nigeria.


Mono sex Tilapia production demonstration materials have been received by the farm manager of Tropical Fish Farm Gbagarape Nyanya, FCT, Abuja, Mr. Samuel Alabi

☝☝☝Receiving the mono-sex Tilapia production demonstration materials from the GIG  argent. today 19/9/2019 by 3:30 pm BY ADP Niger State.

Presentation of Demonstration materials on Monosex Tilapia culture to Alh. Raheem Sikiru Adetona, Farm Manager Azemor Agribiz today 19th Sept, 2019. Also present are: Mr. Adesina, Azemor Maintenance Supervisor, Mr. Aiyedun Lukman- Azemor Grow out Supervisor.

The TAAT demonstration materials for Monosex tilapia production was handed over to Rev. Egbeje of Victory farm, Owo, Ondo State today and the water quality test for pH and DO carried out together with the GPS taken. In the pics are a farmer, ADP DDFS, the selected participating farmer, ADP TAAT Fac., and the trained farmer. ,

Demonstration kit delivered to the CEO of NIKUNLE FISH FARM, Iwo, Osun State, Mr. Adekunle Asafa(one of the selected fish farms for the upcoming TAAT monosex tilapia trainings in Osun State)by State Coordinator Mr Theophilus Amure.


Handing over the demonstration materials to one of the selected farmers at Umunkaru, Umuawa Alaocha, Umuahia North LGA, Abia State.

Presentation of TAAT Aquaculture Compact materials for  Monosex tilapia demonstration to the honorable commissioner for agriculture, Anambra state and program manager agricultural development program Anambra State (ASADEP) today, Tuesday _17/09/2019 by Worldfish/ TAAT Aquaculture Compact/ Anambra State ADP facilitator and fish farmer in the office of the honorable commissioner. Pictures showing the presentation

Presentation of TAAT Aquaculture materials for Monosex Tilapia demonstration to HOD Dr Ekeledo (who is also a facilitator) Fisheries tech dept, Fed Poly Nekede Owerri ( center 2 ) for Imo state fish farmers 17/9/19 by WORLDfish/TAATCompact.On far left is Mrs Amanze(ADP n Co-facilitator ),Miss Silver (IITA/IP), Fishfarmers rep(Mr. Osondu) for Imo state as a witness and Dr. Ekeledo (Facilitator WorldFish/IP/TAAT compact) at hatchery unit of FedPoly Nekede Owerri.Imo state

While the farmers awaits broodfish which is subject to water parameter data collection by the farmers and reports to the WorldFish office.

The program is expected to disseminate Tilapia culture to more and more farmers in the selected state.


Pitch AgriHack 2019 winners awarded a total of €60k in prize

Pitch AgriHack 2019 winners awarded a total of €60k in prize
Seven startups that came out tops at the Pitch AgriHack 2019 competition earlier this month have been awarded a total of €60 000 in prizes.

Pitch AgriHack aims to support the growth of business services offered by agritech startups as well as contribute to accelerate the adoption of innovations that bring about stronger productivity within the agrifood sector.

The competition is run by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) in partnership with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (Agra), the OCP Group, GreenTec Capital Africa Foundation, GreenTec Capital Africa,World Bank, and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

In a statement earlier this month, CTA said it had selected 22 finalists (see profiles of them in this PDF) — 11 of which were women led — from among 326 startups that had applied.

The finalists underwent training in a bootcamp that was held before pitching their solutions to potential investors and a judging panel at the closing plenary of the African Green Revolution Forum that was held in Accra on 6 September.

This year’s winners hail from Ghana, Kenya Uganda, and Nigeria. They are:

Early-stage startups category:

Profish (Ghana): Profish was awarded €7500 for its Lojaanor USSD platform which enables the startup to provide logistical services and market access to fish farmers.
Savanna Circuit Tech (Kenya): Savanna Circuit was awarded €5000 for its Maziwaplus Prechiller and M+ Milk Collection App.
Mature stage startup category:

Jaguza Tech (Uganda): Jaguza is an online and offline, cloud-based livestock management system that incorporates the use of low-cost sensors, drones, livestock collars and GPS trackers to gather real-time information about location, speed, body temperature and stress levels of livestock. The solution was awarded €15 000.
Arinifu Technologies (Kenya): Arinifu Technologies has developed a smart brooder environmental control device which helps chicken farmers regulate temperature and humidity. The solution was awarded €12 500.
Public Choice Award:

Trackball Global Technologies (Nigeria): Trackball Global Technologies is developing AgriCo, a web-based mobile application that will help improve the productivity and profitability of urban farming by providing farmers with best production practices, farm management tools, access to inputs, produce markets and micro-credits. The startup was awarded a Public Choice Award of €5000 for the solution.
Data Analytics Award:

Foodlocker Limited(Nigeria): Foodlocker offers procurement efficiency, convenience, affordability, and pricing regularity to large buyers of farm-fresh foodstuff by aggregating and lightly processing smallholder farmer outputs and delivering those outputs directly to our customers, who include food processors, exporters, hotels, restaurants, bars, and retailers. The startup received the Data Analytics Award of €10 000.
GreenTec Award

TechShelta (Ghana): TechShelta’s web and mobile app enables greenhouse farmers to have on-demand access to advisory information, automation services and market linkages. The startup was the recipient of the GreenTech Award of €5000.
CTA said since the launch of the AgriHack Talent initiative in 2013, the services of entrants have reached over one million farmers and agricultural stakeholders, with participants having raised over €2-million from investors and partners.

CTA director Michael Hailu said in the same statement that through the Pitch AgriHack competition, the centre has discovered “self-taught youngsters” who are full of ideas and determination, which he said are providing answers to some of Africa’s persistence .